Major Parade Sponsor
Major Parade Sponsor
Major Parade Sponsor $7,500
Limited to one
Spotlight video interview to be aired on multiple media platforms
Coverage in SudburyWeekly, a popular online newsletter that has 18,000 readers
Recognition at the Sudbury Chamber of Commerce Annual Community Service Awards event in December
Opportunity to ride in the July 4 Parade in a VIP car
Your logo (pending approval) will be prominently printed on 500 Kona Ice Kowabunga Cups—the largest serving size—sold during the parade and at other local events. Must provide a high-quality image by May 20, 2025.
Kona Ice will have their truck at the July 4 Parade
Kona website:
Kona is also generously donating a percentage of sales.
Recognition on the Town of Sudbury website
Recognition on the Sudbury Chamber of Commerce website
Print or electronic Sponsor poster for workplace/ storefront