Workforce Data Reporting and Implementation

Wage Equity Legislation | Workforce Data Reporting & Implementation

A message from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development

Dear Business Community Partner,

As we kick off 2025, the Healey-Driscoll Administration wants to bring an important update to your attention and the attention of your members. You will recall, Governor Healey signed the Wage Equity legislation last year and we appreciate the engagement by the business community to make this a reality. This new law includes a data reporting requirement – an opportunity to inform your members as we work collaboratively to address wage equity in Massachusetts. Good news! Covered employers can simply file a copy of the same EEO-1 report that the employer filed with the EEOC.

Beginning this month, the Secretary of State will be launching a portal to collect completed EEO Workforce Data Reports. The Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development will then publish aggregate data in accordance with the new law by June 2025. EOLWD prepared the attached two-pager including background and answers to frequently asked questions. This information is also available on our website. The deadline for employers to file is February 3 (EOLWD will send another notification once the Secretary of State’s portal opens to collect submissions).

On behalf of the administration, we encourage you to share with your members as we launch this inaugural year of wage equity reporting. We look forward to your partnership and engagement. For any questions, please contact Undersecretary Josh Cutler (cc’d) who can be a resource to you or your members.


Lauren Jones (She/Her)Secretary 
Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
1 Ashburton Place, 21st Floor | Boston, MA 02108  

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Attachment link - Workforce Data Reporting and Implementation

As a follow up to Secretary Jones’ email, I am pleased to share that the Secretary of State’s portal for EEO Workforce Data Reports is now open. Here is the URL:

As a reminder, we have also posted a Workforce Data Reporting FAQ page here to address some common questions. Should you or your members have any additional questions please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Again, thank you for your collaboration and assistance.

Best regards,


Josh S. Cutler | Undersecretary of Labor

Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development

100 Cambridge Street, 5th floor | Boston, MA 02108  

Mobile: 857-283-4937 | Email:

Jamie Chapman