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March 2025 Lunch & Learn with the Rte 20 Study Group!

  • Sudbury Point Grill 120 Boston Post Road Sudbury, MA, 01776 United States (map)

Sudbury Chamber of Commerce Lunch & Learn

Meet Adam Burney & the BSG Group!

Date: Wednesday, 03/19/2025
Time: 11:30-1pm
Location: Sudbury Point Grill, 120 Boston Post Road, Sudbury, MA.

Join Adam Burney and the BSC Group to gather input from key stakeholders about the RTE 20 Study!

Join Adam Burney and the BSC Group to gather input from key stakeholders about the RTE 20 Study!

The Town of Sudbury’s Department of Planning and Community Development has hired our firm (BSC Group) to conduct a corridor study for Route 20/Boston Post Road from the Marlborough town line to the Wayland town line (all 5 miles), including Meadow Walk, Chiswick Park, south of Station Road, and south of Old County Road. The goal of this project is to identify actions the Town can undertake to promote better redevelopment for sustainable future economic growth that includes support for housing options, and inviting and accessible public spaces. This work is being conducted to advance goals and specific Action Items from the 2021 Master Plan regarding the future of the Route 20 corridor. As part of this study, we are interviewing a number of Town staff and stakeholders to gather information from their perspective (Town position, personal, property owner, business owner, etc.).
To date, our firm has conducted the following tasks to gather information regarding the Route 20 corridor:

  • Defined the study area boundaries

  • Conducted site visits to various properties (and will conduct others)

  • Inventoried the various types of businesses at each property along the corridor

  • Prepared a series of maps to analyze various aspects of the study area including historic resources, land uses, natural resources, open space protection, transportation, zoning, and others

  • Met with and discussed the project with the Planning Board

  • Interviewed nine (9) Town department heads

  • Reached out in-person and via email to over 30 businesses within the study area

  • Distributed questioners to relevant Town boards and committees

  • Scheduled a public meeting for Thursday, March 20th at the Goodnow Library

  • Preparing for future meetings with the Planning Board and Select Board

Here is a list of questions regarding the Route 20 corridor, which were distributed to businesses within the study area.

Our plan for the March 19th Chamber of Commerce meeting is to present an overview of the project, provide a little background on the Route 20 corridor, cover the work we have completed to date, and to ask a truncated and modified list of questions to the attendees based upon the questions in the attached document.
We are very interested to obtain their perspectives and feedback as business owners in the community, in particular those along the Route 20 corridor.

Adam Burney